Surra treatment for cattle
Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of “similia similibus curanter” which means “like cures like”, so is MANDGOLE. Hence, such...
Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of “similia similibus curanter” which means “like cures like”, so is MANDGOLE. Hence, such...
Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of “similia similibus curanter” which means “like cures like”. Homeonest V Drops No. 25 +...
मादा पशु के बार बार पाली आने के उपचार हेतु होम्योपैथिक पशु औषधी फर्टीसूल – मादा पशुओं जैसे गाय, भैंस, भेड़, बकरी आदि में प्राकृतिक रूप से...
पशुओं में प्राकृतिक रूप से दुग्ध वृद्धि हेतु गाय का दूध बढ़ाने की दवा मिल्कोजन -100 टेबलेट एक अत्यधि लाभप्रद व कारगर होम्योपैथीक पशु औषधि...
Repeat breeding is an expensive hitch at every level of dairy products, from small scale to large scale. It affects the profitability of...
Foot and mouth disease is found in cattle and is a common disease in the cattle population in India being endemic in the Asian – African...
Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of “similia similibus curanter” which means “like cures like” so is our DIAFINE DROPS for pets...
Homeopathic remedies work on the principle of “similia similibus curanter” which means “like cures like”. The Goel Vet Pharma has a...
The dogs are very naughty by their nature they love to be out and play. With playing out and anywhere comes the different skin conditions...
India is a developing nation that still relies on an agrarian economy. Dairy farming and agriculture continue to stay at the epicenter of...
Milk is the most important liquid or we can say it is a complete food for everyone. From childhood, we are taught to have milk and milk...
The basic concept of homeopathy was given by Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, a German Physician – ‘like cures like. A license needs to be obtained...
Humankind has been using various medicines but the best they could rely on is the homeopathy. The pet parents believe to give the clean...
The pup and kitten are the most adorable living beings and are naughty and cute as well. The cuteness of them can be maintained with the...
Integral and elective treatments, including homoeopathy, have an unmistakable spot in veterinary medication today. People, in general, is...
The collective of animals is a powerful blend of force and variety in with struggle between the solid sections the feeble and natural...
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann is the originator of homeopathy founded almost 200 years ago. The medicine therapy practitioners or the homeopaths...
Being a pet parent can be challenging at times of illness. The pet family is concerned to give good quality medicine. The different...
The Veterinary Record distributed a diligently impartial survey of homeopathy in veterinary practice (Hektoen 2005). Incidentally, just...
As deluding data about homeopathy is normal, a short proof-based outline might be valuable. I have to a great extent figured out how to...
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