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Writer's pictureGoelvet Pharma

Milk production in Cow and Buffalo

Milk is the most important liquid or we can say it is a complete food for everyone. From childhood, we are taught to have milk and milk products for calcium and other minerals which plays a pivotal role in human nutrition. India is an agro-based country primarily; the majority of its economic growth is dependent on agriculture and its allied fields such as livestock and dairy farming. In the agro-sector, dairy farming has a stronghold and cattle rearing as well. In 2020, during the pandemic dairy sector continued to be standstill in the market and continued to increase the nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) around 4.2% of the total GDP percentage being contributed by our dairy sector. In fact, the dairy sector grows annually at a rate of 4.9% in the economic growth of the country. According to the research, the total value of the dairy sector of India reached 11,357 Billion in the year 2020.

Facts about the Milk

Milk is defined as a lacteal secretion apart from colostrums obtained via the process of milking healthy cattle. Milk is obtained from mammals and is characteristics of this group of animals which includes humans as well. Milk is nutritious especially for the young ones of any animal species that are incapable of fending for themselves. It is considered a whole meal because if it has all the goodness and richness of common foodstuffs since it has milk proteins, minerals, vitamins, and fat. Milk has calcium which is important during the growth period for bone growth which is connected to the levels of calcium-phosphorus.

Calcium plays an important role to play in many cellular events at the microscopic level inside the cells, nerves, and muscles. Milk has essential vitamins such as riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A. Milk is a rich storehouse of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc as they all have a specific role inside our cells and body systems. Milk is rich in proteins such as casein, milk lipids, or fats also it has milk solids and lactose sugar which is essential for energy build-up.

Milk Yield – Facts and Factors

It is defined as the amount of milk obtained annually per cow per year and is a good indicator of the milking capacity of the cattle. Milk yield is upon many factors like –

1. Breed – The indigenous breed Gir has demonstrated a higher milk yield as compared to its foreign counterparts. The breed of the cattle plays an important role in the milk yield percent.

2. Food & water – The changes in the daily food-water intake if there is decreased then the quality of the milk goes down. The average milk yield is related to not only the quantitative basis of food intake but also the qualitative factors of food intake. The quality of food has an important impact on the quantity of food. The higher the quality of fodder will result in a higher quality of milk production. Underfeeding cattle causes a drop in lactose percentage and may reduce the nutritional value of milk as well.

3. Genetic Variations – There is a genetic variation factor which means that no two cow/buffalo would be at the same level of milking and milk yield at the same time. Yes, they may have similar milk yield but it varies as well.

4. Milking Factors – Milk production increases the lactation progresses and reaches the peak level mid-lactation and then subsequently falls towards the end of lactation. Pregnancy too has an inhibitory effect on yield, also the frequency of milking, interval of milking, and completeness of milking all play a pivotal role in milk yield and its fluctuation.

5. Environment and stress factors – Physical changes like changes in the environment, changes of location, transportation, the atmospheric temperature have a direct negative effect on milk yield.

6. Diseases – If any underlying concurrent diseases are affecting the cattle will inevitably affect the milk yield. The disease conditions such as ketosis, metritis, mastitis, milk fever, hypocalcaemia, retained placenta, etc decrease the milk yield and have an overall negative impact on the overall health of the cow.

Factors controlling Milk Yield

The milk is produced by the mammary glands of mammals and it has a mechanism behind it. The hormones in the body play an important role in regulating various processes and cycles which helps to keep an individual healthy – balanced. The hormones are connected to external factors as well. The internal and external factors are co-dependent entities and are not separated from each other. There are some interesting facts about the hormones –

1. Hormones regulate the growth of the body via growth hormones.

2. They aid in sexual functions, right from conception to parturition also lactation aid.

3. Hormones play a role in regulating metabolism via thyroid hormones, etc.

4. They also aid in various body systems such as the digestive system, the immune system, the urinary system, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, and the skeletal system.

5. All organs, tissues, and cells are inevitably dependent upon hormonal harmony. Thus, it helps the body to function normally, properly in perfect union with other hormones.

Hormonal Harmony

The hormones play an important role in any living being. Milk production has many facets to it. It is dependent upon the interplay of hormonal factors, nutritional factors, and neurophysiological factors. The lactation process is usually dependent on galactopoietic substances or galactopoietics hormones such as prolactin, growth hormones, thyroid hormones, and steroid hormones.

1. Prolactin – the essential hormone for milk production. It acts as a balancer that responds to milk removed on one hand and stimulates the production of milk on the other.

2. Growth Hormone – It is essential to maintain lactation as it increases the synthesis of lactose, protein, fats in mammary glands.

3. Thyroid Hormones – It stimulates oxygen consumption, protein synthesis, and milk yield and is essential for the maximal and optimal production of milk.

4. Oxytocin – the hormone for the removal or let down of the milk. Stimulation of the mammary gland via the suckling reflex of the calf is important for the milk let down. Oxytocin is released from the hypothalamus and reaches the mammary gland via the bloodstream resulting in milk removal from the glands.

Milk Yield

It is dependent upon the external environmental factors as well as internal hormonal and genetic interplay. To increase milk yield, approaches are targeting the natural system and stimulating milk production.

1. Dietary fix – the diet is an important factor in modulating immunity and health. Better fed cows have the quality and quantity production of milk.

2. Hormonal Therapy – The injections for hormones or therapies are also adopted to keep in check the balance and cycle of the patient. It Is advised hormones are a very crucial aspect of the body and are extremely essential for the life process. A change in an imbalance in their concentrations may result negatively. The hormonal therapy has to be under the proper guidance of a veterinary.

3. Non-hormonal Therapy: Homeopathic Approach – Milkogen By The Goel Vet Pharma is an excellent homeopathic Veterinary medicine used in cows and buffaloes for the production of milk. It is a natural replacer of oxytocin hormone without any contraindications or side effects but with a definite increase in the milk yield, it increases the milk quantity and fat percentage of the milk.

the features of Milkogen are –

· Increases the quantity of milk naturally in cows and buffaloes by stimulating the lactating tubules to max level.

· There is no need for extra calcium supplementation because this medicine assimilates calcium from the feed of the animal to a high level.

· The level of increase in milk is maintained even long after the completion of the milkogen course.

· A decrease in milk yield due to any underlying chronic illness can also be improved with milkogen thus restoring the normal milk yield.

· The milkogen helps in letting down the milk without any hormonal therapy when the calf dies and the animal refuses to give the milk.

· Milkogen is an economical and efficient way of improving the quality and quantity of milk in cows and buffaloes.

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