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Spray ON Pain Gone!

The pet babies are the most inquisitive creatures and are always exploring the items and the surroundings. With the running and going to one place and another, they even get sprain and pain on ankle or hand or even on any part of the body. We feel sad about any wound or an injury they have while playing or any activity.


Wounds are injuries which cause a tear in the skin or other body tissues. Skin is a barrier which protects the internal environment of the body from the external environment and is a tough organ which helps in protecting the internal layers of the body. Skin anchors hair or fur which helps in protecting the body as well as provides insulation to the same. The skin has certain receptors that help the brain detect the sensations of touch, heat, and cold if there is a tear laceration of the skin, it is a wound or injury. Injury is any tissue, or cell getting damaged due to some other reasons. For superficial skin wounds, trauma to the skin is the major one.


Physical agents’ wounds and injuries are caused by mechanical agents such as rocks, stones, tree branches, twigs, steel wires, etc. and endless possibilities of getting wounded by such agents. It is not uncommon for pets to get wounded or bruised.


Chemical agents such as alkalis and acids can cause burn wounds on the skin and pets, as well as strays, and could get wounded by accident. Biological agents are concerned with viruses such as foot and mouth disease virus, which manifest themselves as vesicles around the mouth and foot regions and on bursting of these vesicles, they leave a raw open wound which is particularly extremely painful.


Wounds are classified as open or closed type depending upon the type of injury or trauma. The types of external wounds:

1. Lacerations: These types of wounds are caused by the tearing of tissues which have uneven edges. E.g., Injury due to steel wire

2. Penetrating Wounds: Deep wounds such as those caused by stab injury or wood stick penetrating the body

3. Abrasions: These are rather a superficial type of wound [on the skin] which are no deeper than the epidermis. E.g., Skin abrasions.

4. Bite Wounds: Caused by the bite of animals such as snakes, dogs, etc. immediate medical help is needed.

5. Virulent Wounds: Wounds caused by infectious agents such as FMD Virus


The wounds create a sense of pain and hurt, it is usually invisible as our pets cannot communicate with us directly, other signs and symptoms which could be manifested in these forms –

1. Localized bleeding

2. The area of the wound is sensitive to touch

3. There is a visible wound which may or may not bleed

4. There is weakness, paralysis or function loss in that dependent area

5. There might be febrile disturbances observed

6. If the nerve or local nerve ending is affected, paresis of that region is a well-observed phenomenon


Wound healing is a complex series of interactions between various cell types mediators etc. there are 4 steps in the wound healing process i.e.

1. Haemostasis:

When there is a tissue injury the initial response is haemostasis or stopping the bleeding process. This is brought about by platelets a type of cell in our blood which helps in the clotting process.

2. Inflammation:

Inflammation increases vascular permeability and recruits certain cells such as neutrophils, and monocytes which act as a defence mechanism against the micro-organisms which could be potentially harmful to the body that gained entry via the open wound. There are 5 signs of inflammation, they are-

· Redness in the area

· Pain in the area

· Increased heat in the area

· Swelling in the affected area

· Temporary function loss

3. Proliferation and Remodeling of wound:

There is the proliferation of epithelial cells [they form granulation tissue] as well as collagen. Also, new capillary growth occurs in the proliferation phase which is followed by the remodelling phase where new collagen fibres are rearranged forming an organized structure which increases the tensile strength of the wound.


Wounds can heal naturally on their own with the help of the complex cascade of mechanisms the body has. However, it may take anywhere between three days to a week to heal depending upon the type of wound and the level of injury. Thus, we always apply certain anti-bacterial healing creams that help our body to cope with the trauma and injury thus, healing the wounds rather quickly.

The Veterinary recommended Goheal spray for pet wound spray is a medicine which helps in treating the superficial wounds caused by burns, trauma or FMD- created wounds. GOHEAL SPRAY is the Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for external use only to treat animal wounds caused due to any injury, FMD, burns, etc. thus, an added aid to nature, Goheal spray helps to fast-track the healing process which means, there is less pain, less hurt and less time required to heal!

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