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Pyrexia in dogs

The furry babies look good when they are active and running around the places. Once they sit and become sad due to some illness or any issue the house also becomes sad. Many a time the dullness in furry kids is due to temperature rise or pyrexia. With pyrexia, we as pet parents always think about what medicine to give to dogs?

In common terms, pyrexia is the rise in body temperature above normal. The normal range for body temperature in dogs and cats is usually 100°F to 102°F. Anything above 102° can be referred to as pyrexia or hyperthermia - temperature ranging below 100°F. It is quite normal for a puppy or kitten to have a warmer body temperature as compared to adults. In addition, pets tend to have an increased or decreased rate of metabolism owing to temperature fluctuations, environment, and growth-stage which invariably affects their body temperature.

Fever or Hyperthermia: Difference

Yes, the terms - pyrexia and hyperthermia are used interchangeably but are two different processes. Hyper: Rise/Increase and Thermia: Temperature, which is the sudden rise in temperature due to environmental conditions, stress, tremendous exercise, etc. Hyperthermia due to exercise generally lasts for a couple of minutes to at the most half an hour. If your pet continues to be uncomfortable, showing signs of high temperature it may be an indication that something else is at play and it could be fever due to some ongoing pathology.

Signs and symptoms

1. Temperature: The body temperature is noted by taking the rectal temperature. The digital thermometer may be used for this procedure. Your Vet may help you out and teach you the correct manner in which you can easily take your pets’ body temperature at home during odd hours just to be sure of whether the pet has a fever.

2. Lethargy/ Fatigue: If you notice your pet is not being their fun self and are being lethargic, sluggish, sitting at one corner, hiding them, isolating them, it is quite an evident symptom of some disease process and checking for the body temperature can help you out immensely.

3. Anorexia: Anorexia is the condition wherein your pet refuses to eat food or drink water. It is usually sometimes gradual, where your pet starts eating lesser quantities of food than usual eventually culminating in total refusal of food and water.

4. Depression: Isolation, tiredness, sleeping for longer hours, weakness all are signs of the disease process.

5. Hyperpnoea/ Hyper Ventilation: Hyperpnoea means an increase in breathing rate. Due to an increase in body temperature the breathing rate increases as the body is trying to get rid of the excess of heat through the panting or breathing process.

Other Collateral Signs: usually with infections and inflammatory conditions, such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, there are other signs and symptoms which you may observe, for instance, vomiting, diarrhea, and so on.

Reasons for Temperature

Metabolism: A transient temperature rise is noted as the metabolism rate increases. Dogs’ normal body temperature is normally on the higher end as compared to humans. Dogs’ have a higher rate of metabolism as compared to humans, their heart rate, and growth rate varies considerably too, which is why the temperature is on the other end of the spectrum.

2. Age & Growth Factor: Young Neonates or younger puppies and kittens have a higher body core temperature as compared to adults. Young ones have a higher body fat percentage, which helps them to maintain their body temperature properly and they can adapt aptly to the environmental fluctuations. On the flip side, adults comparatively have less fat; better metabolism and adequate adjustments are made automatically owing to the homeostasis process. Thereby, age does play a minor role in temperature variations.

3. Stress: Emotional trauma, mental agony, and anxiety can all collectively affect your pets’ health adversely. The exact mechanism is unknown, but stress can raise the body temperature of your pets to a certain extent. For instance, if the pet hates going to the vet, emotional stress may raise their body temperature. Similarly, walking in the sun, in the afternoon hours can cause a condition commonly referred to as ‘Heat Stroke’ if they are subjected to unnecessarily high temperature for a prolonged period. Heatstroke is also referred to as heat stress and you may notice one or a few of these signs:

· Panting

· Excessive Salivation

· Dry Mucous Membranes

· Tiredness

· Fatigued

· Gasping for Breath

· Trying to locate a cooler, shadier area

· Drinking water excessively

· Trying to lie down on cool surfaces e.g. the floor

4. Infections: Infections, are the most important cause of high body temperature or pyrexia, commonly called ‘Fever’. However, excessively high temperature for extended periods has adverse effects. A temperature rise is an important event during infections as it hints towards the fact that the body is actively fighting against some external pathogens. Therefore, at first, a temperature rise is usually speculated to be caused due to an active infection ongoing in the body.

Here are a few undesired side effects of pyrexia-

· Fever causes an increase in oxygen consumption along with increased carbon dioxide thereby affecting normal homeostasis.

· There is an increase in energy consumption, resulting in hastened metabolism, which causes an increase in cardiac output.

· Appetite is deranged and dullness is evident.

· With an excess of high temperature, there are chances of multiple organ failure inverse cases.

5. Inflammatory Conditions: Inflammation usually follows any infection, which again causes pyrexia, pain, redness at the site of inflammation, swelling, and rise in temperature at the site of inflammation as well as temporary loss of function in the affected region. Inflammatory conditions such as Hepatitis, Pancreatitis, Gastro-Enteritis, etc can cause pyrexia to a certain extent.

7. FUO: Fever of Unknown Origin or FUO is the term used when the underlying cause of fever is not readily identified. Specific Diagnostic tests are carried out to rule out various causes of pyrexia and then establish a firm confirmed diagnosis that helps immensely in sketching out the treatment plan for our pets.

8. Other Miscellaneous Reasons for Pyrexia:

· Immune-Mediated Processes such as Auto-Immunity, Hypersensitivity, etc.

· Neoplastic Conditions

· Allergic Response.

Diagnosing Fever: Causes and Reasons.

Usually, fever is just an indication or a hint towards some ongoing issue within the body. For example, if your pet is throwing up, passing semi-solid or liquid feces along with high rectal temperature, your vet may suggest certain tests, certain procedures to figure out the causative agent. For Gastritis associated fever and related signs, your vet may suggest certain tests like Blood Pictures, X-rays to rule out foreign body or impaction cases, USG or ultra-sonography, and related testing procedures.


We have to ensure that our beloved pet is given utmost Love, care, and attention when they are sick. So along with their normal packaged food, you can try out these food options.

In case your pet is eating or consuming little food, here’s what you should do –

1. Do not give him/her fried oily spicy or human food.

2. For pet dogs kept on a vegetarian diet,

You can give a little milk mixed with a little turmeric.

Fun Fact – Turmeric (Haldi) is an ancient Ayurvedic herb medicine that is known for its Magical properties of boosting immunity, anti-inflammatory actions, anti-bacterial Actions, and many more!

3. In general, you should give chicken soup and rice with small chicken pieces.

4. You can even boil pumpkin and mix in the rice with chicken soup.

Fun Fact – Pumpkin contains Vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium, copper, and Manganese.

5. Chicken sprinches– you can take a chicken piece and shred it and give them Shredded pieces.

Food that is easy to digest, light to the body yet, nourishing at the same time is generally preferred.

PYROFINE for PETS is the most effective and useful Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine for Dogs &Cats in case of temperature or to the maintenance of body temperature due to sudden exposure to cold or heat stroke or due to any underline disease. PYROFINE FOR PETS is the First-Aid remedy for odd timings when small pups and kittens are feeling feverish.

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