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Writer's pictureGoelvet Pharma

Homeopathic medicine for stress in cat

Strezza is the perfect homeopathic remedy when anyone, any species, experiences great fear, especially if combined with anxiety.

Here are some specific symptoms signalling the potential need for Strezza (Homeopathic medicine for stress in cat )- see if your animal fits:

Great, noticeable fears: ​​​​​​​crowds, strangers, new situations, noises, smells, lights, etc.

Inconsolable anxiety, panic attacks


Forebodings of impending events (this is where cats excel)

Oversensitive to light, noise

Intense pains ​​​​​​

​​​​​​​There are a number of Homeopathic remedies that can help make the vet visit less stressful on everyone, but Strezza is at the top of my list. You might need a dose yourself!

Make sure to dose your pet with this homeopathic remedy once before leaving the house and again while in the waiting room.

Strezza is the number one remedy for any type of shock. Your animal might feel suddenly shocked to be taken to the vet, or have a sudden illness that is, in itself, shocking. Additionally, any type of accident will have a shock component and Strezza could be helpful.

Strezza could make all the difference between a calm, stress-free vet visit, and a terror-filled, never-forgotten event.

Always have Strezza in your emergency pet homeopathic remedy kit - it will serve you well.

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