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Happy liver of the dog

The liver is the largest solid and essential organ in the body and an integral part of the digestive system. The liver is considered to be the largest gland of the body and has a role in the process of digestion and in the process of detoxification, which helps to metabolize various chemicals and medicines, produce proteins such as albumin, and many others. The liver is the core component of the body and can be considered to be a part of the highly important organ group.

Facts about Liver:

1. Largest gland in the body.

2. It produces bile which helps to digest fats and is stored in a pouch-like gland called the gall-bladder which opens into the small intestine.

3. It helps to produce albumin, an important blood protein.

4. It helps to filter blood via the process of entero-hepatic recycling.

5. Liver helps and aids in forming blood clotting factors.

6. Liver also helps to maintain the balance of Amino Acids in the body.

7. Liver helps to resist infections.

8. It stores certain vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and E and K.

9. Liver helps to store glucose, and form glucose when needed via a process called gluconeogenesis whenever the levels of blood glucose are low.

10. It helps to maintain the osmotic balance of the body.

11. It works meticulously to detoxify various medicines, toxins, xenobiotics, etc.


The Liver is the target organ for the coordination of several vital functions. The liver has good regeneration capacity if faced by an unwanted biological agent. Let us have a look at some of the commonly encountered Hepatic Diseases:


Hepatitis translates to inflammation of the liver. For instance, certain plants such as Senecio or Crotalaria are hepatotoxic; so are certain fungi such as aspergillus. Some Bacterias add to the list such as Leptospira, Salmonella, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, etc. For instance, ICHV or Infectious Canine Hepatitis Virus causes hepatitis in dogs, while FIPV or feline panleukopenia virus can mingle with the normal functioning of the liver. Other events such as nutritional deficiencies of Vit E, Choline, Methionine, or excess fat in the diet can propel hepatic damage. Certain toxic medicines such as paracetamol can cause immense hepatic damage and at times dogs and cats may succumb to this.


Jaundice is the disease; Bilirubin is a compound commonly found in the blood cells, due to excessive release of this compound can cause yellowish- discoloration of the mucous membranes, skin, conjunctiva, etc. commonly called Jaundice.

Jaundice can be classified into three groups

1. Pre-Hepatic Jaundice: The red blood cells are lysed due to some disease processes such as blood parasites e.g., Babesia, Ehrlichia, Leptospira, Immune-Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia, etc. which causes excessive bilirubin expulsion via the hemolysis of RBCs than can liver handle at any given moment, thereby causing jaundice.

2. Hepatic Jaundice: Here, impaired conjugation process due to hepatic cells being diseased. The Bilirubin is thereby expelled into the bloodstream, directly causing jaundice. This can be commonly observed in cases of hepatitis.

3. Post-Hepatic Jaundice: If, the bile duct is occluded due to some reason such as parasites, bile duct stones, stenosis or tumorous growths hampering the normal release of bile can again cause jaundice.


Neoplasms or new growth refers to the uncontrolled proliferation of cells or cancer. This condition is common in older patients usually >8 years. However, if genetic and adverse environmental conditions supervene, cancer or hepatic neoplasms can be seen in younger dogs as well. The most common primary hepatic neoplasm in dogs is hepatocellular carcinomas. This disease is diagnosed based on routine tests, MRI/CT, and/or Liver Biopsy.


Due to improper Porto-systemic shunt system in dogs, which is a spectrum of neuropsychiatric abnormalities seen in patients with liver dysfunction. The most important culprit of neurological signs is Ammonia, which is circulating in the blood and isn’t adequately processed into a non-toxic substance as the liver is malfunctioning. Thus, brain cells are damaged due to these circulating toxic substances, thereby manifesting as a disease process.

The signs of symptoms of HE are:

· Circling

· Head pressing

· Seizures

· Ataxia

· Aimless walking

· Coma

· Prostration and death in severe cases.


The liver is an important organ that is connected to every core activity, right from blood clotting mechanism to detoxifying harmful toxins, liver does it all. Here are some of the common clinical manifestations of hepatic dysfunction:

1. Jaundice: Although not always attributed to the Liver a cent percent it’s still an important manifestation in case of hepatic-related diseases such as hepatitis or cholestasis due to obstruction, etc.

2. Emaciation, Weight Loss: Due to chronic hepatitis or some liver-associated lesion, it’s common to see emaciation and weight loss in our furry friends.

3. Oedema: In sick Liver, Albumin isn’t produced in sufficient quantities, thus albumin is not available in sufficient amounts in the bloodstream. Albumin is an essential protein that helps maintain the hydrostatic pressure and if decreased can cause ascites or edema and observed cases of Hepatic Failure.

4. Nervous Signs: In cases of hepatic encephalopathy, nervous signs such as Head Pressing, Circling, Seizures, Ataxia could be observed

5. Haemorrhage: The liver is involved in manufacturing essential blood clotting factors, without which there’s an increased chance of spontaneous hemorrhage

6. Vomiting: Vomiting is a non-specific sign which could be attributed to a hepatic-related disorder. Although it is important to rule out other reasons such as digestive malfunctions.



The standard test for detecting liver dysfunction is via running a Complete Blood Test that can be easily diagnosed based on CBC (Complete Blood Count) and LFT (Liver Function Test). These tests check several different parameters in the blood.


On physical exam, your vet will try and palpate the abdomen to locate the edge of the liver and notice any signs of hepatic enlargement [hepatomegaly] or any sort of pain response that can be elicited on deep percussion.


For more complicated Hepatic/liver-related dysfunctions, such as fatty infiltrations, Toxicity of Copper, Zinc, Lead, or to further investigate neoplasia [cancer], etc Liver Biopsy is the gold standard test. The biopsy helps to differentiate and diagnose the exact cause of liver dysfunction.

4. USG:

Ultrasonography helps us to have a closer look at the internal structures which are anatomically and physiologically closely related to the liver. Through USG it becomes possible to locate any abnormalities in the abdominal area, and have a closer look at the digestive organs such as the pancreas, liver, intestines, kidneys, etc.


X-RAY is an important tool in diagnostics. Through XRAYs the entire abdominal cavity and/or chest cavity can be evaluated simultaneously depending upon the area of focus. Hepatomegaly or liver enlargement can be observed in radiography as well.


The liver as an organ is always well taken care of in diseases other than those originating from the liver itself. Liver supplements are also indicated for suspected liver dysfunctions. Some vets do suggest liver tonics and supplements for growing puppies and kittens as it helps to elevate immunity as well as improvise growth.

The treatment protocol varies considerably as no two hepatic diseases are the same, and thus each one requires specifically tailored diets/food, medicines, and other essential support.

Livomate Drops for Pets is a homeopathic liver supplement that helps provide extra cushioning support to the liver in regeneration and repair. It helps to combat anorexia, vomiting, and indigestion associated with liver pathology.

Livomate is one such product that helps to manage hepatic related disorders by natural means and provides relief in conjunction with other ongoing treatment protocols.

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